The Cleaver DISC Assessment

John P. Cleaver

John P. Cleaver

The original job-related disc assessment

Since its inception in the 1950s, the Cleaver DISC has remained one of the most effective and respected profiling tools on the market.  It was originally designed by John P. Cleaver, who believed that true organizational success was rooted in matching the right people to the right positions.  Therefore, each individual - whether they were a current employee or potential team member - needed to be measured and evaluated for compatibility with the human behavioral requirements of their job.

John p. Cleaver

As a young industrial engineer, John P. Cleaver observed that two out of three working people were unhappy with their jobs. Low productivity, negative attitudes, absenteeism, and accidents were costly results of poor job compatibility. It was costly for the companies and unrewarding for the employees, thwarting the economic goals for both.

built in business, for business

The Cleaver DISC Profile is an analysis tool designed to analyze an individual’s behavioral tendencies as they relate to their work.

This tool is a measurement of how an individual will react in a specific job environment based on their style.

We have found that the primary source of stress to the individual and of conflict between boss and subordinate is not “what” is to be done, but “how” it is to be done. That is, the issue is not the work to be done or the results to be achieved, it is the style or behavior demonstrated in the job.

diagnostically-informed team work

As far back as the 1920’s in his studies of behavioral psychology, Harvard educated William Moulton Marston articulated a basic concept of behavior that copes with the relativity of individual perception. In its base form, Marston’s theory stated that an individual would perceive any situation, circumstance, or environment as either antagonistic or favorable. Further, he indicated that the person’s response options under either perception were but two: active or passive. Of course, there are variables of degree and intensity in both environment and response.

The Cleaver DISC profile has been used by thousands of corporations worldwide over the past 60 years and is recognized as one of the industry leading tools for evaluating how behavior and motivation relate to job performance.

The Cleaver DISC is available in multiple languages.