“The difference between a job and a career is a plan.”
-John “Clipper” Cleaver

The Cleaver Career Planner
A validated assessment that combines your strengths, skills, and passions to create a map you can follow to personal and professional success.
When should you use the Cleaver Career Planner?
New High-Potential Hire
New hires showing promise and potential for senior-level leadership down the road need a plan to focus their effort, attention, and development. The Career Planner will help this group identify gaps and accelerate strengths exponentially decreasing the time it takes them to become ready to step up into the leadership role they are capable of fulfilling.
Mid-Career Burnout
Mid-level managers and leaders can sometimes feel stuck. They aren’t new to the organization but they haven’t yet achieved the senior-level leadership role they crave. The Career Planner, along with coaching from a Cleaver Coach, is an excellent way to support their ongoing development and give them a clear path forward helping them avoid burnout as they put their plan into action.
Strategic High-Level Hiring Process
If you have a group of candidates interviewing for a senior-level leadership role, a Cleaver Consultant can use the Career Planner to give you insight into which candidate is most in line with the long-term strategic objectives of the position.
Take a look inside the Cleaver Career Planner
Information & Orientation
In addition to providing basic information about the individual, this page warms up the participant to their basic preferences for different types of roles helping to lay the groundwork for a career plan.
Skills & Work Preferences
The type of work we do is directly connected to the energy we have in life. If certain types of work drain our energy and certain types restore our energy, we can create an energy management plan to help individuals avoid burnout and accelerate growth and success. This page provides insight that the Cleaver Coach can use later to help the individual create an energy management plan.
Drilling Down Into Details
The further we get into the Cleaver Career Planner, the more detailed the information and more impactful the insights become. On this page, we see an example of digging into the financial acumen of the participant as well as behavioral characteristics. All of this is towards the goal of compiling insights into how the individual tends to show up at work, where there might be gaps, and where there are opportunities to accelerate development in their career plan.
Future-Facing Plans
As we arrive at the end of the report, this page deals with energy, personal projection, and goals. Energy is the basis for longevity in a role and sticking with a plan. A participant’s ability to create an energy management plan is equally as important as a professional roadmap because having a dialed-in plan to optimize energy will give the individual a better chance to accomplish professional goals.
Big-Picture View
We believe that every plan needs a success team in order for it to be actualized. This page gives the participant an opportunity to think back on who from their past has helped them achieve success (providing a baseline for filling out their future-success team) and look forward to aspirational goals they want to achieve in their life.

The Cleaver Career Planner
Every professional needs a plan. Every plan needs a partner. The Cleaver Team is here to help.